
Conference Papers and Guest Lectures (a Selection)


Guest Lecture “Literarische Raum- und Zeiterfahrung bei Trauer: Julian Barnes und Joan Didion.” Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Universität Ulm, 22. April 2024.

Lecture at the Workshop “(Im-)Mobilities, Age, Gender: Cultural Topographies”, Center for Inter-American Studies, Universität Graz, 15. März 2024: “Altered Spaces of Mourning”.

Lecture at the Online-Workshop “Within and Without Old Age: International Symposium on Representations of Ageing”, University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES/CEAUL), 9 Januar 2024: “Altered Spaces of Mourning: Loss and Grief in Times of Covid-19”.


Lecture at the Conference “Ärztliche Imaginationen des Lebensendes”, Universität Rostock, Rostock, 7.-8. Dezember 2023: “Implications of Fictional Death for Medicine: A. J. Cronin’s The Citadel” (7.12.2023).

Lecture at the AMC Colloquim on Late Style, Maastricht University, Maastricht, 22. November 2023: “Ageing Sensibilities: Late Style, Gender and Genre”.

Lecture at the Workshop “Dementia in Data?”, Center for Inter-American Studies, Universität Graz, 28 April 2023: “Narratives of Dementia as Data”.


“Aging in Narratives and Counternarratives of Migration”, Panel Chair at ENAS/NANAS joint conference Narratives and Counter Narratives of Aging and Old Age: Reflexivity in Aging Studies, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania. 28 September – 1 Oktober 2022 (28.9.22).

“Narratives of Ageing and Old Age in the Fantastic Mode”, Seminar conducted with Maricel Oró Piqueras and Sarah Falcus, ESSE Conference 2022, Universität Mainz, Germany. 29 August – 2 September 2022 (29.8.22; 1.9.22).


Keynote Lecture at the International Symposium on Age and Gender in Chinese and Foreign Literature, Zhongnan University of Economic and Law (ZUEL), Wuhan, 4.12.2021: “Illness Memoirs, Ageing Masculinities and Care: The Sons’ Perspective on the Father”

Seminar “Ageing Masculinities: In Pursuit of Happiness”, together with Josep M. Armengol, Murray Forman, Hernando C. Gómez and Roberta Maierhofer. Graz International Summer School Seggau, Austria (GUSEGG 2021). 4-10th July, 2021.

Seminar “Cultural Representations of Gender”, together with Nicole Haring. Graz International Summer School Seggau, Austria (GUSEGG 2021). 4-10th July, 2021. (6.7.2021).

Workshop Organisation: “Masculinities Aging Between Cultures: Methods and Concepts in Dialogue”, Virtual Workshop at the University of Rostock: 22-23th April 2021. Introductory Panel Discussion: “Masculinities ageing between Cultures: The Concepts Care, Kinship and Relationality in Dialogue.” Mit Roberta Maierhofer (University of Graz), Rüdiger Kunow (University of Potsdam), Heike Hartung (University of Rostock/Graz) and Christian Schmitt-Kilb (University of Rostock). (22.4.2021)


Lecture at the PhD seminar “Interdisciplinary Age and Care Research”, University of Graz, Austria, 27.11.2020: “Alter und Geschlecht im kulturellen Diskurs”

Paper at the workshop “Imagine Ageing: Ageing Masculinities in Irish Literature and Culture”, University of Galway, Ireland, 20.11.2020: “Poetics at the Limit: Embodiment, Masculinities and Ageing in Samuel Beckett’s Early Poetry Collection Echo’s Bones


Lecture at the conference “Ageing, Illness, Care in Cultural and Literary Narrative”, University of Huddersfield, UK, 5.-6.9.2019: “How to Live in the Words of Others: Filial Narratives of Parental Dementia” (6.9.2019)

Lecture at the conference “Take Back Aging: Power, Critique, Imagination”, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada, 28.-31.5.2019: “Affirming Survival: Perspectives on Old Age, Death and Grief by Joan Didion and Julian Barnes” (30.5.2019)

Invited lecture at the Narrative Science Project of the London School of Economics and Political Science: “Longevity Narratives: From Life-Span Optimism to a Simulated Life-Span” (30.4.2019)


Invited lecture at the Department for English and American Studies, University of Paderborn: “The ‘Burden Narrative’ of Childhood and Old Age” (12.12.2018)

Lecture at the conference “Cultural Perspectives on Ageing”, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 28.-30.11.2018: “Between Ageism and Successful Ageing: The Case of Joan Didion” (28.11.2018)


Lecture at the conference “Forum Age/ing Graz 2015″, University of Graz, 22.-24.10.2015: “Embodied Narrations of the End of Life” (October 23)

Invited lecture at the Center for Inter-American Studies, University of Graz: “Embodied Narration: Death and Dying in Henry James’s Ghost Stories” (March 12)


Lecture at the conference “Meaning and Culture(s): Exploring the Life Course”, 8th International Symposium on Cultural Gerontology and 2nd Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS), National University of Ireland, Galway, 10.-12. April: “Late Style as Exile: De/Colonizing the Life Course” (April 10)


Invited lecture at the conference “Kultur(en) des Vergessens: Altersdemenz am Schnittpunkt von Medizinethik und Kulturwissenschaft”, Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, 13.-14. December: “Becketts Poetik der Reduktion und der Diskurs der Demenz” (December 13)


Lecture at the conference “Pain and Old Age: Three Centuries of Suffering in Silence?”, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, October 27: “Communicating Pain: Representations of Dementia in Old Age” (together with Aagje Swinnen).

Lecture in the section “Apocalypse and Literature”, Deutscher Anglistentag (Annual Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English), University of Potsdam, September 19-22: “Apocalypse and Old Age: Imminent Ends and Lacking Futures” (September 20).

Invited lecture at the conference “Altersstile”, Stiftung für Romantikforschung, Munich, September 13-15: “Alternde Empfindsamkeit – Zum Altern eines Gattungsstils (am Beispiel von Romanen Frances Burneys, Maria Edgeworths und Jane Austens)” (September 15).


Invited lecture at “Crossroads: A Conference in Honor of Rüdiger Kunow”, University of Potsdam, October 28-29: “Gendered Constructions of Ageing: (In)Visible Older Women in Detective Fiction” (October 29).

Moderation of the keynote lecture by Philip Tew, “Extending Narrative and Gerontological Coordinates in the Fiction and Cultural Mediation of Ageing Project (FCMAP)”, at the conference “Theorizing Age: Challenging the Disciplines”, Inaugural Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS), Maastricht University, October 6-9 (October 7).

Moderation of the panel “Narrating and Performing Dementia” at the conference “Theorizing Age: Challenging the Disciplines”, Inaugural Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS), Maastricht University, October 6-9 (October 6).

Lecture at the conference “Theorizing Age: Challenging the Disciplines”, Inaugural Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS), Maastricht University, October 6-9: “Narrating Age: Longevity as a Challenge to the Representation of Aging” (October 6).

Invited respondent of the project “Beyond Autonomy and Language: Toward a Disability Studies’ Perspective on Dementia”, Workshop, Center for Gender and Diversity Studies, Maastricht University, (October 5).

Lecture at the conference “New Cultures of Aging”, Brunel University, London, April 8-9: “Age Fantasies: Alternative Conceptions of Time and Fantasies of Old Age in Fiction and Film” (April 8).